Ahad, Mac 29, 2009

VERSION TERBARU ------ Asuhan benih Kerapu liar dengan menggunakan CENTS-HDPE

Asuhan kerapu liar (kerapu Hijau/ E. Sullius) sedang dijalankan (Mulai 4 Mac sehingga 15 April) dengan menggunakan tangki HDPE berjaya memperolehi hasil 75 % Survival Rate (SR) pada minggu ke 2, jauh lebih baik dibandingkan asuhan secara semi statik yang hanya didalam linkungan 10-20 % sahaja. 19000 ekor ikan diisi kedalam tangki asuhan HDPE bersaiz 5O0 liter setiap satu secara berperingkat-peringkat. Kadar stocking awal per tangki adalah 5000 ekor per tangki dan pada minggu kedua 2500-3000 dan 1200-1500 pada minggu ketiga dan kekal sedemikian sehingga percubaan berakhir. Makanan yang diberikan adalah Love Larva (55% CP)pada minggu pertama, diikuti Chuan Sen (50% CP) minggu ke dua dan ACIAR (43% CP; no 2, 3 dan 4).
Tujuan utama percubaan ini adalah untuk menyediakan standard piawai protokol (SOP) bagi mengendalikan CENTS-HDPE ini bagi tujuan komersial. Kos sistem ini adalah dalam lingkugan modal RM 25000 - RM 30,000.


Ahad, Mac 15, 2009


Lihat bertapa padatnya benih ikan kerapu harimau didalam
tangki culvert ini
Ini adalah hatceri ikan kerapu harimau yang terletak di
daerah Zangpu, Fujian Province
Office Hatceri Ikan Kerapu tersebut
Aktiviti gradding didalam besen grading yang diperbuat dari buloh
Paip PVC yang digunakan bagi menyingkirkan kekotoran
(mungkin sama spt cent waste trap)
Deretan tangki asuhan / culvert yang digunakan bagi mengasuh
benih ikan kerapu harimau

Deretan angki-tangki kosong yang sedia
untuk dimasukkan benih ikan kerapu

Jumaat, Mac 13, 2009

Foto Terkini - Projek-projek CENT yang sedang dibuat disekitar Daerah Besut

Cash flow pengeluaran Siakap air tawar bagi 10 unit Cent

Berikut adalah analisis kewangan yang dibuat bagi penghasilan benih ikan siakap air tawar dengan menggunakan CENT dengan keupayaan pengeluaran 5000 ekor per pusingan (2 bulan) dan dapat menjana pendapatan sekurang-kurangnya RM 2000 sebulan. Jumlah pendapatan ini adalah memadai bagi penternak kecil yang melakukan aktiviti ini secara sampingan

Selasa, Mac 03, 2009


Kedudukan tangki biofilter

Apa itu media biofilter?

Bahan yang boleh digunakan sebagai substrat untuk bakteria melekat dan berkembang biak didalam sistem penapisan biologi tersebut. Seharusnya bahan media itu mempunyai jumlah luas permukaan per isipadu yang lebih tinggi. Ini bermaksud bagi sebiji bio media tersebut menyamai dengan permukaan sebesar 0.4 meter persegi. Didalam tangki biofilter yang berukuran 1 x 1 x 5 meter terdapat lebih kurang 6000 biji bio media yang menyamai 0.24 ha keluasan persegi

Bagaimana pun, untuk membina bio filter tidak semestinya anda menggunakan bio ball seperti diatas, anda boleh juga menggunakan kulit kerang atau pun batu karang mati sebagai ganti bio ball. Dari segi effisyen, batu karang mati adalah lebih baik, tetapi tidak digalakkan kerana keadaan ini akan menggalakkan banyak batu karang digunakan nanti sedangkan sumbernya adalah terhad. Oleh itu, penggunaan kulit kerang adalah digalakkan kerana ianya murah dan senang diperolehi khususnya di Pantai Barat Semenanjung. Pun begitu, hanya sebelah luar kulit kerang sahaja yang berfungsi kerana permukaannya yang kasar dan kesat.

The biological filter (biofilter) is the heart of the RAS. As the name implies, it is a living filter composed of a media (corrugated plastic sheets or beads or sand grains) upon which a film of bacteria grows. The bacteria provide the waste treatment by removing pollutants. The two primary water pollutants that need to be removed are (1) fish waste (toxic ammonia compounds) excreted into the water and (2) uneaten fish feed particles. The biofilter is the site where beneficial bacteria remove (detoxify) fish excretory products, primarily ammonia.
Ammonia and Nitrate Toxicity:
Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish. Ammonia in water occurs in two forms: ionized ammonium (NH4+) and unionized (free) ammonia (NH3). The latter, NH3, is highly toxic to fish in small concentrations and should be kept at levels below 0.05 mg/l. The total amount of NH3 and NH4 remain in proportion to one another for a given temperature and pH, and a decrease in one form will be compensated by conversion of the other. The amount of unionized ammonia in the water is directly proportional to the temperature and pH. As the temperature of pH increases, the amount of NH3 relative to NH4 also increases.
In addition to ammonia, nitrite (NO2) poisoning of fish also is an imminent danger in RAS. Nitrite levels should be kept below 0.5 mg/l. Brown blood disease (methemoglobinemia) occurs in cultured salmon and channel catfish when hemoglobin is oxidized by nitrite to form methemoglobin (a respiratory pigment of the blood that cannot transport oxygen). The disease can occur at nitrite concentrations of 0.5 mg/l or greater. As the name implies, the blood has a characteristic chocolate brown color. Adding salt (NaCl) at a rate of 1 pound per 120 gallons of water (a chloride to nitrite ratio of 16:1) will suppress this disease in soft water; a ratio of 3:1 is effective in hard water.
Calculating Ammonia Loading:
The amount of ammonia excreted into a tank depends on a number of variables including the species, sizes, and densities of fish stocked and environmental conditions (temperature, pH). Ammonia loading can be roughly estimated from the biomass (weight) of fish in the tank or it can be based on the weight of feed fed each day.
On the average about 25 mg (milligrams) of ammonia per day is produced for every 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fish in the tank. Therefore, in a tank containing 1,000 striped bass fingerlings each weighing 75 g (75,000 g total fish weight), the daily ammonia load produced by all the fish would be 18,750 mg (18.8 g). To remedy excessively high ammonia levels, add freshwater, eliminate feeding or reduce the density of fish in the tank.
Ammonia loading also can be estimated based on the total amount of feed fed. For manufactured fish feed with standard protein levels of 30 to 40 percent, simply multiply the total weight of the feed (in grams) times 25. For example, if the fingerling stripers are fed 1 pound (454 grams) of pelleted feed per day, the amount of ammonia produced per tank would be about 11,350 mg per day.
Ammonia is a poisonous waste product excreted by fish. Since fish cannot tolerate this poison, detoxifying ammonia is fundamental to good water quality, healthy fish, and high production.
Detoxification of ammonia occurs on the biofilter through the process of nitrification. Nitrification refers to the bacterial conversion of ammonia nitrogen (NH3) to less toxic NO2, and finally to non-toxic NO3. The process requires a suitable surface on which the bacteria an grow (biofilter media), pumping an continuous flow of tank water through the biofilter, and maintaining normal water temperatures and good water quality.
Two groups of aerobic (oxygen requiring), nitrifying bacteria are needed for this job. Nitrosomonas bacteria convert NH3 to NO2 (they oxidize toxic ammonia excreted by fish to less toxic nitrite), the Nitrobacter bacteria convert NO2 to NO3 (they oxidize toxic nitrite to largely nontoxic nitrate).
Nitrification is an aerobic process and requires oxygen. For every 1 milligram of ammonia converted about 5 milligrams of oxygen is consumed, and additional 5 milligrams of oxygen is required to satisfy the oxygen demand of the bacteria involved with this conversion. Therefore, tanks with large numbers of fish and heavy ammonia loads will require plenty of oxygen before and after the biofiltration process.
Nitrification is an acidifying process, but is most efficient when the pH is maintained between 7 and 8 and the water temperature is about 27-28 C. Acid water (less than pH 6.5) inhibits nitrification and should be avoided. Soft, acidic waters may require the addition of carbonates (calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate) to buffer the water. The addition of a salt as a therapeutic in striped bass as freshwater bacteria temporarily adjust to alteration in salinity.

Isnin, Mac 02, 2009

RAS = Recirculating Aquaculture System

A system where the water (in fish rearing tank) , instead of being discharged to the outside environment, is reused after undergoing filtration in a settling pond or water treatment process.

RAS = satu sistem ternakan yang mengkitar semula air dari tangki ternakan supaya dapat digunakan semula setelah menjalani proses rawatan semula dengan menggunakan rawatan secara biologi. Komponen utama sistem RAS adalah sistem penapis biologi yang berfungsi bagi mengurangi kesan amonia didalam air dengan cara penguraian kepada nitrit dan nitrat.

Berikut senarai penternak yang sedang menggunakan CENTS

Ikan Kerapu Harimau yang merupakan benih ikan yang diasuh didalam CENTS

Benih kerapu harimau (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) yang berumur 35-40 hari diasuh didalam tangki CENTS untuk tempoh 30 hari lagi. Kadar survival menggunakan kaedah ini adalah 85-90% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan kaedah yang konvensional.

Harga per ekor pada peringkat 1 inci adalah RM 1.00 dan pada 3-4 inci selepas diasuh selama tempoh berikut akan mencecah kepada RM 3.50-4.00 per ekor. Kadar stocking per tangki CENTS adalah 1000 ekor

Oleh itu, dengan kadar hidup yang sebegitu tinggi, penternak akan dapat membuat keuntungan dalam masa yang singkat.
Benih Ikan kerapu harimau digrading bagi mengawal kesan kanabalisma didalam tangki.

Ahad, Mac 01, 2009


The aquaculture industry that began developing in the late
1960s has exploded into a major global industry of 60 million tons
a year, with huge annual revenues in excess of US$ 70 billion (FAO,
2006). With the current increase in environmental awareness and
the consequent stringency in environmental legislation, a new
approach to dealing with the ecological problems associated with
aquaculture has been developed—recirculating aquaculture systems
. This approach was originally developed to provide a solution
to the environmental problems generated by the traditional pond
and flow-through aquaculture systems, since it enables the
treatment of polluted water within a closed loop, offers improved
control of effluent discharge, and allows complete environmental
control (van Gorder, 1994; Shnel et al., 2002). Moreover, RAS
confers ecological and economic advantages in that it facilitates a
reduction in the amounts of water and energy required and
reduces land use. In addition, it provides growers with the
geographical freedom to set up aquaculture systems in ‘‘nontraditional’’
farming areas (Shnel et al., 2002); for example, small RAS,
such as the one presented in this study, producing lucrative
seafood species might be suitable for small-scale aquaculture for
food production in urban areas (Zohar et al., 2005). Thus, RAS could
contribute to meeting the demand for protein foods in highly
populated urban centers.

CENTS di Kg Mangkuk, Penarik dan di Kg. Paya Rawa, Besut, Terengganu

Gambar disebelah adalah Cent 20 unit terletak di Kg Paya Rawa, Besut yang sedang beroperasi bagi pengeluaran siakap air tawar

tangki CENTS sedang dalam pembinaan dimiliki oleh En. Danny

Kira pelawat web site ini sejak 3 Mac 2009


Foto saya
Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia
CENTS is shortform of “Cheap Efficients Nursery Tank System” which is refer to inovative practice for producing fry through RAS system. Its economically, practically and convinient to operate in small size location. Beside that, its possible to practice for both freshwater and seawater system. Department Of Fisheries through Marine Finfish Production and Research Center,Tg. Demong, Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia are inniated to developed this system in order to enhanced the production of marine fry for more efficient,cheap and economically.

Kata Aluan / WELCOME !!!!

Selamat Datang !!!!
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Welcome to CENT-RAS blogspot.com. Through this web site, you can get infomation on nursing marine fry with the RAS technique (simple and effisyen). I hope that you can leave any suggestion or comment for making this web more knowledgeble and informative.